Air Canada Flights from Boston to Switzerland in $300s

Air Canada Flights from Boston to Switzerland in $300s
Air Canada flights between now and November 2017 are showing up for very flexible dates. We’ve seen some fares in the low 300’s for January and early February and up to $375 later in the year (Fall 2017). The flights are not available for the summer, unfortunately, but there is still plenty of flexibility for the rest of the year.
The flights are to Geneva, Switzerland from Boston, with a connection in Montreal.
This is a pretty good deal and is a pretty affordable way to get to Switzerland, at which point you could either vacation there or use a European carrier to take you so somewhere else in Europe for a good price.
I’ve posted a link to the website where the fares are available. You can play with it a little and see a number of dates where that price is available.
Happy traveling!