Airtran's A+ Rewards Update

The few folks who are actually carrying around Airtran’s A+ Rewards has no need to fret during the Southwest merger as your credits are safe… for now. Additionally, the Gmail users who most likely missed the update e-mailed a few moments ago – because Gmail, as usual, has assessed the e-mail and wrongfully classified it as a “Promotions” e-mail – here is all you need to know:
– September 30th, 2014 –
1. Last day to earn rewards through Hertz, E-rewards and E-miles. If you haven’t heard of them before, e-Rewards and e-miles are just a couple of ways of earning additional miles on your spare time!
– November 1st, 2014 –
1. Last day to earn A+ credits
2. Last day to redeem A+ credits before they are converted to Southwest Rapid Rewards
– November 2nd, 2014 –
1. A+ Rewards will be automatically closed
2. A+ credits will be automatically converted with a conversion ratio of 1 A+ credit = 1,200 Southwest Rapid Rewards points
– Side Notes for Existing Card Members –
1. Existing card members earning A+ Credits will automatically begin earning Rapid Reward points come late October
2. By the end of October Chase should have more details regarding a change in your credit card’s branding, i.e. new card with the Southwest logo
Of course you could always just transfer the credits to your current Rapid Rewards account and not worry about forgetting the dates ;)!
– FuFu