Social Distancing: Southwest Flight From Florida Only Had One Passenger

Social Distancing: Southwest Flight From Florida Only Had One Passenger
Travel is down substantially worldwide due to the coronavirus outbreak so planes have been flying with less people — though there were exceptions on Qantas last weekend with a total lack of social distance. Well, one flight on Southwest from Fort Lauderdale to St. Louis had only one passenger on board, according to a report from NBC News.
Bob Pitts said he got the all-star treatment on the flight as the lone passenger. The crew welcomed him on the plane by welcoming him by name. Mr. Pitts documented the flight experience in a series of videos that he released to NBC News.
Pitts wore a bandana as a face covering, though being the only guy on the plane it seems he was following good social distancing procedures. He was traveling to Missouri for his mother’s wake. Her death was unrelated to coronavirus.
Of course, this was a good experience for Mr. Pitts but bad news for the airline industry. Southwest Airlines clearly did not make money on that flight, meaning it operated at a loss. It demonstrates that airlines are continuing with flights
Travel is down around the world as airlines adjust and cancel flight schedules. Last week, some airlines had a reduction in over 90% of their regular available seats. The flight cancellations are leaving airlines in poor shape, as governments try to flood them with cash and some airlines try to find ways to get a hold of cash. Many airlines are resorting to layoffs, and some are even in danger of shutting down or merging into other airlines.
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