Qantas Will Refurbish Its Fleet of Boeing 737-800 Aircraft
Today Qantas announced that it will refurbish its fleet of Boeing 737-800 aircraft, which will ultimately provide customers with a greater level of comfort and an enhanced in-flight entertainment experience.
Qantas Domestic Chief Executive Officer Lyell Strambi said the multi-million dollar investment in upgrading the interiors of 67 aircraft that operate on the Qantas domestic network will begin mid-2015 and be completed within 12 months.
“While 29 of our latest 737-800 aircraft already have full seat back video on demand in-flight entertainment for each passenger, the refurbishment will see wireless Q-streaming entertainment installed on the 38 remaining 737-800 aircraft to supplement the screens that fold down from the ceiling, Mr Strambi said.
The refurbishment will allow customers to stream on-demand TVs, movies and music direct to their own laptops, tablets or smartphones. Pending approval from Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority, customers will be able to use their portable electronic devices in flight mode throughout the entire flight.
“We will add an additional six seats at the rear of the aircraft, which is made possible by changes to the galley and lavatory space. Importantly, there will be no change to the amount of seating space each customer has. This change represents a three percent increase to the capacity of Qantas’ B737 fleet,” he said.
News: Qantas will refurbish its fleet of Boeing 737-800 aircraft
— Qantas Airways (@QantasAirways) July 31, 2014