AA Makes Terminally Ill Teenager’s Dream Come True

AA Makes Terminally Ill Teenager’s Dream Come True
There’s so many sad stories these days to report on, but this one is really one to smile about. That’s because Shantell “Princess” Pooser, a special needs and terminally ill 17-year-old, was given the opportunity to be a flight attendant, something she has wanted to do since she began flying regularly for treatment for her illness.
According to WIS News 10:
When her condition took a turn for the worse a few years ago, Princess and her mother began flying back-and-forth to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. “So far, we’ve been on over 57. That’s including the connecting flights, as well, too,” she said. Along the way, Princess discovered a new passion. “She saw the flight attendant and she was like, ‘Mommy, I want to be a flight attendant.”
A pilot with American Airlines found out and set out to make that dream a reality. Equipped with a uniform and a plane filled with family and friends, Princess was ready for her first day on the job, Saturday.
First off, hats off the pilot who put this plan in motion. It is wonderful that somebody saw an opportunity to make this girl’s dream come true, and took the actions necessary to make it happen. Great job to whatever pilot cared so much he pushed this forward and made it happen.
The day was wonderful, but it has even more meaning for the family because they unfortunately received bad news with the last scans that they received at the hospital. According to the family, the doctors have told them there is nothing they can do now for the young girl. But given her spirit and how she has already defied the odds, here’s to hoping she does it again and shows the doctors wrong. Her spirit is great, and there’s nothing better than seeing a good person getting the chance to experience their dream.