American Airlines Employees Describe Airline In 3 Words

American Airlines Employees Describe Airline in 3 Words
Last week, American Airlines launched its second “American Voice” survey where they asked American Airlines employees to describe airline in 3 words. They offered it as a way to speak their mind, so to say. I guess, essentially, it’s a way for American to receive feedback from their employees. This was the second survey of this kind.
The survey put out by American certainly showed there was room for improvement. But things got even more interesting in a private Facebook feed where AA employees showed their feelings on the airline. The contents of that unofficial survey were shared with the Chicago Business Journal. The unofficial survey alsoasked employees to describe American Airlines in 3 words.
The response? Probably not what American wanted to be made public.
One Flight Atendant used one word three different times in her response to the survey, “sad. . .sad. . .sad.” A second flight attendant expanded on the “sad” theme in her answer and replied “greed, depressing, sad.”
According to the Chicago Business Journal, another word that showed up in many responses was “toxic,” a reference, which the Journal equates to the Twin Hill uniforms scandal from earlier this year. Another flight attendant responded “going for crAAp,” incorporating American’s slogan, “going for great.”
And the last responses shared by the Journal, “stressful, cheap, uncaring,” and “punitive, chaotic, dysfunctional.”
I’m not sure why American thought the original survey was a good idea. any time you open yourself to a survey like that, there’s room for a PR nightmare. In this case, an unofficial survey found what’s probably the less padded version of what’s in the official survey. Surely they do not want to ask their passengers to describe the airline in 3 words… CLT, “Cheap, late, terrible”