
Earn 7,500 miles with Avis

Earn 7,500 miles with AvisNow through July 15th you can earn 7,500 miles with Avis car rental and save up to 35% off your reservation. The bonus miles promotion is only applicable to the AAdvantage program from American Airlines. Checkout the promotions earning chart below:

Number of Rental Days Miles Earned
1–2 1,000
3–4 3,000
5–6 5,000
7 or more 7,500

Use coupon #MUAA036 and provide your AAdvantage number at the time of reservation or at the rental counter to earn your AAdvantage bonus miles. This offer is in addition to your everyday savings of up to 35% when you use AWD #K817187.

Click here to signup for this promotion

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