Which Foreign Cities Are Your Favorite? Mine are…

10442518_10201196571994681_5381296448440934728_nWhile talking on Facebook with an old friend last night, we ended up talking about London and whatnot. I studied abroad there and loved every minute of it, it is such an amazing city. The conversation eventually led to us talking about our favorite foreign cities.

My top three (3) favorite foreign cities are:

  1. Madrid, Spain (Summer ’13)
  2. London, United Kingdom (Study Abroad ’13)
  3. Sydney, Australia (Spring Break ’14)

My parents and I are planning on going to London and Madrid next summer, which means I’ll have to find a way to fit Sydney into the equation as well…

What foreign city is your favorite? Why?

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*Where applicable: airline must have a $50 gift card option.

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