Let's Talk About It: Indoor Doggy Restrooms, Yes or No?
Thanks to Delta there is a “Service Animal Relief Area” located in Detroit’s Metropolitan Airport near gate A34 in the McNamara Terminal and, of course, behind a partition (for all you little pervs out there). During the Tuesday unveiling a small crowd watched 2 dogs test out the “Restroom” which consists of real and fake patches of grass, hooked up with a sprinkler system, baggies for solid “waste” and complete with a sink to fill up water bottles and wash hands – er – paws!
This $75,000 newly added perk of a relief area (yup, $75,000, anyone else finding the cost a bit of a rip off??) is supposed to bring relief to both pets and owners as there will no longer be a need to go through security yet again because your pooch can’t wait to pee. Even better, surrounding customers won’t have to worry about “accidents” occurring followed by slip and falls (there goes our lawsuit opportunities!).
Honestly, is this a ridiculous idea that won’t expand past Detroit or is it a radical step that will propel airports to take larger steps towards innovative and practical solutions? Are stepping in pet “accidents” really such a common and controversial issue that it needs the attention of $75,000?
I don’t know about you but I think a solution like this has been way overdo it’s honestly dumb how such a simple solution has taken this long to have been executed!
What do you think?
