United CEO Trashes Trump Policies Before Heading to White House To Beg For Help

United CEO Trashes Trump Policies Before Heading to White House To Beg For Help
It’s pretty interesting that the CEO of United Airlines, Oscar Munoz, who is scheduled to meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday, recently told Business Insider that Trump’s plan for a wall at the Mexican border is “damning and damaging.”
The CEO will head to the White House on Thursday and will likely beg President Trump to take on the foreign airlines, who dare to challenge and compete against the ever-so-changing-for-the-worse major U.S. air carriers. You see, the major U.S. carriers don’t want competition because they know they can’t compete as well in a market that includes better products and better services. The major carriers are hiding behind the Open Skies Treaty, hoping that a Trump Administration, which has made “putting America first” a hallmark of its campaign and presidency, will push back against foreign airlines, specifically from the Middle East.
This is ironic, specifically because Munoz said, “Clearly, on a visceral human front, I oppose any wall, anywhere, between any people — period.” i hate to break it to the CEO, but you know what serves as a wall to people more readily being able to afford travel and see the world? That’s right, competition! The same thing Munoz will beg Trump to stop is the very thing that truly opens the skies to consumers who want to get the chance to see the world. If U.S. carriers had their way, there would be a proverbial wall around the United States where only the airlines they choose would have to right to compete in the marketplace.
So, there you have it. We can only hope President Trump reads this interview before meeting with Munoz and it impacts his willingness to help U.S. carriers shrink the market so they can fill their own wallets, at the expense of consumers.