(VIDEO) Belfast Airport Brawl: Passengers Fight Each Other With Fire Extinguishers and Poles

(VIDEO) Belfast Airport Brawl: Passengers Fight Each Other With Fire Extinguishers and Poles
A brawl broke out in Belfast International Airport over the weekend. Passengers in the terminal posted videos to social media that show two groups of people fighting. The individuals grabbed poles, fire extinguishers, and wire baskets that were within reach to fight.
The video shows the incident occurred outside of a duty-free store. However, a witness told the Mirror the fighting began in an airport bar.
According to the Mirror:
One witness to Saturday’s melee told Mirror Online that the men got into a row inside the Lagan Bar and it spilled into an area where people were waiting for their flights.
He said the men were screaming at each other before grabbing weapons.
The witness said: “They were throwing fire extinguishers and baskets from shops and really anything they could get their hands on.
“They were also hitting each other with poles that hold up advertisements in bars. No idea what started the fight.
“It took around 20 minutes for the police to arrive.
Airport authorities deny that the brawl lasted 20 minutes. The airport and airport police say that the police arrived within a few minutes of the incident and the fight only last seven minutes. The police put out a timeline today that says the disturbance was reported at 1801 and the disturbance was ended at 1807.
Initial reports that said after the flight broke up, the passengers involved were allowed to fly to their destinations. Police also denied that accusation. They said that four individuals were prevented from flying after police broke up the flight.