Vote now for your favorite travel loyalty program

Vote now for your favorite travel loyalty program
The 2015 Freddie Awards nominees have been announced and now you, the consumer, have the chance to vote for the best airline and hotel loyalty program in North America, Europe/Africa, and Middle-East/Asia/Oceania.
While I do fly to/through Europe frequently, I only voted for North American programs because those are the programs in which I have the most personal experiences with.
The Freddie Awards have been honoring travel loyalty programs since 1988. This years ceremony will be held on April 30th at the Delta Flight Museum in Atlanta, Georgia.
“The goal of the Freddie Awards is to give voice to the frequent flyer and to honor the efforts of an industry that counts more than 300 million members worldwide” reads the Freddie’s website.
I just voted for the freddie awards. It will be great when AS CEO Brad Tilden goes up on stage at the DL Museum to accept the awards!
I never thought of that, but you’re totally right lol. I voted for AS too.