WATCH: Pilot Nails Sideways Landing in 45 MPH Storm Winds

WATCH: Pilot Nails Sideways Landing in 45 MPH Storm Winds
Pilots can do some pretty incredible things, and sometimes videos are able to capture some amazing maneuvering. Well, this TUI flight Boeing 757 landing at Bristol made an amazing sideways landing as it landed in crosswinds of 40 knots (about 46 miles per hour) during weather related to Storm Callum, a tropical storm that hit the UK over the weekend. The video shows the incredible landing as the pilot maneuvers with the winds to land the plane in the bad winds.
As Mraviaiton guy on YouTube describes, “Aircraft need to compensate for the crosswind otherwise they will be blown off course, they do this by pointing their nose into the direction the wind is coming from, demonstrated perfectly by this crew. It is always fascinating to watch planes landing in strong crosswinds; the power of mother nature vs the skill and professionalism of the brilliant airline pilots.”
Storm Callum, which was the storm hitting that led to the bad weather, hit the United Kingdom over the weekend and has left a number of people dead. The flooding has caused damage around the region.
There’s other videos out there from other times pilots do this, but I think it’s pretty cool to post this most recent one to demonstrate the incredible skills that pilots around the world demonstrate.