Al Qaeda Urges “Lone Wolf” Attacks on Western Airlines

Al Qaeda urges “lone wolf” attacks against Western airlines, according to new information provided in a terrorist-sponsored magazine.
Inspire Magazine, a terrorist journal, has published the names of Western airlines it says should be targeted by “lone wolfs” acting on behalf of the ideals of Al Qaeda. According to Inspire, the individuals should target American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta, British Airways, Air France, and Easy Jet. The threats surface as Al Qaeda finds itself in contention with ISIS, a new terror group that has taken much of the media coverage on terrorism throughout 2014.
The magazine has also called on attacks against “economic personalities” like Ben Bernanke and “wealthy entrepreneurs” like Bill Gates.
According to the NY Post:
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, launched the English-language magazine in 2010 to recruit Western Muslims into its terror ranks. Early articles encouraged attacks such as opening fire at a Washington, DC, restaurant or using a pickup truck to “mow down” pedestrians.
The latest issue is devoted to inspiring lone-wolf jihadists in the United States and the West to attack commercial passenger planes, according to, a blog on US homeland security.
The magazine gives detailed, illustrated instructions on how to build bombs in the kitchen. It says the devices can be “hidden” not only on aircraft, but used to blow up other targets to “crush” Western economies.
“We came up with these simple materials that are readily available around the globe, even inside America,” it states.
Al Qaeda has an affinity for its use of targeting aircraft, and in recent years has been branching out to focus more on the idea of using individuals to carry out attacks, in an attempt to stray from a more centralized terror network. The magazine is used to try and give instructions to individuals interested in the mission of terrorism.