“Is our life just worth one photo?” Travel Blogging Couple Falls to Death at Yosemite

“Is our life just worth one photo?” Travel Blogging Couple Falls to Death at Yosemite
In a tragic story, a couple who had a travel blog called Holidays and Happily Ever Afters was killed when they fell off Taft Point in Yosemite National Park last Wednesday. News outlets reported on the fall last week, but new information identified the couple as the travel blogging couple. The couple fell 800 feet from Taft Point in “an area with very steep terrain,” according to a release from Yosemite officials. At this spot, hikers are able to look off a vertigo-inducing cliff with no railing between them and the drop.
Officials at Yosemite identified Vishnu Viswanath, a 29-year-old man, and Meenakshi Moorthy, a 30-year-old woman, as the two people that fell and died. Their bodies were recovered on Thursday, and Yosemite officials say an investigation is ongoing.
Mr. Viswanath’s brother claimed the couple fell while trying to take a selfie. Other travelers noticed a camera at Taft Point the following day and alerted park rangers, who were able to find the bodies through the use of high-powered binoculars.
The couple’s Instagram page is a hodgepodge of travel photos. In particular, one stands out from the Grand Canyon posted on March 28, 2018. In that post, the couple says, “A lot of us including yours truly is a fan of daredevilry attempts of standing at the edge of cliffs ⛰and skyscrapers🌆, but did you know that wind gusts can be FATAL??? ☠️ Is our life just worth one photo? ” Ms. Moorthy is sitting in on the edge of the Grand Canyon in the photo with her legs nearly hanging over the edge. Another picture from November 16, 2017 showed Ms. Moorthy at the edge of the Grand Canyon.
The travel blog, Holidays and Happily Ever Afters, is no longer accessible. The couple has both an Instagram and Facebook page for the blog where many of their pictures from their travels are posted.