Passengers on One Flight Got to Celebrate Two New Years Eves

Passengers on One Flight Got to Celebrate Two New Years Eves
Apparently time travel is possible, and if you want to be able to experience it, just book a flight next year that gives you the opportunity to celebrate two New Year Eves. This year, passengers on one flight to celebrate two New Years Eves, giving 2018 a double-start to their year.
The flight is Hawaiian Airlines 446, which flies from Auckland, New Zealand to Honolulu, Hawaii. Since Honolulu is 23 hours behind Auckland (passengers cross the International Date Line before arriving in Honolulu), the passengers got the chance to spend New Years Eve and ring in the new year in Auckland and then arrive in Hawaii on the morning of December 31st, with plenty of time to ring in the new year in Hawaii.

The flight left from New Zealand at 12:05AM on January 1, 2018. The flight landed in Hawaii at 10:11AM on December 31, 2017. So essentially, if you really wanted to, you could be in 2018 as you leave Auckland, and then have plenty of time to celebrate in Hawaii. However, the flight was originally scheduled to takeoff at 11:55PM, so with a bit of luck, a ten minute delay let the flight ring in the New Year before the departure.