Radar data indicates that QZ5801 is likely at the “bottom of the sea”

Early but incomplete data is suggesting that QZ5801 is at the bottom of the sea. However, Indonesian officials continue to stress that this information is still developing and not confirmed.
According to aviation officials, the Airbus A320 is equipped with a ditching switch, which essentially turns the plane’s fuselage into a boat if landed properly.
Rescue efforts resumed in the Java Sea Monday morning after they were halted on Sunday due to bad weather. Indonesia’s search-and-rescue team is using 12 vessels, three helicopters, and five military aircraft, Malaysia and Singapore each plan to deploy one C-130 plane and three ships. Australia has also offered to help.
AirAsia issued a statement mentioning that the plane’s captain had a total of 6,100 flying hours, while the first officer had flown 2,275 hours.
Why did the pilot not turn back rather than continue knowing there was storms
That’s a great question and I’m sure it will be addressed soon. In the U.S., most flights get cancelled (or delayed) if there is even a minor thunderstorms in the area of the flight. If the bad weather is elsewhere, planes take an alternate course prior to such weather being close.