Could an Airline Owe You Financial Compensation?
Have you been involved in a delayed or cancelled flight and/or baggage claim or perhaps you’ve been bumped? Did you know you may be entitled to financial compensation? Did you know incidents occurred as much as 3 years prior may qualify for said compensation? Oh, and I’m not talking about the usual lounge passes, flight vouchers or seat upgrades. I’m talking about, legal, cold hard cash! Don’t believe me?
It’s no secret that airlines (much like hotels) get overbooked and it’s no secret just how unbelievably legal this is, however, it definitely has felt like a secret as to how much you may be entitled to for the inconvenience. Now what if I told you all you have to do is answer a few questions regarding your flight details and, if you qualify, keep a look out for the deposit in your bank, does it spark an interest? Oh I see, a bit skeptic, are we? What’s the catch, you’re asking…
Luckily the only real catch is a 25% commission for AirHelp. That’s right, there is actually a company out there that makes the claims process this easy by charging a commission. This means that if you don’t get paid, they don’t get paid. So what do you have to lose other than the 3 minutes it takes to fill out the form? They also offer various forms of communication and make it as easy as using an app. That would be because they ALSO have an app for that and no discrimination is found here because you will find them in both the App Store and Google Play! Did I mention that they are well versed in your US and EU rights?
All cliche and advertise-y sarcasm aside, F2T has no financial affiliation with AirHelp. I really do find it most appealing that there is finally a way to fight back without having to settle for a flight voucher with heavy restrictions! Don’t get me wrong, airlines are in the business of making money, I get it, but let’s be honest had it not been for a company like AirHelp… well, we would all be settling for way less than we are legally entitled to.
Check them out and tell us if they were able to help, I really do enjoy a good ‘ol fashion JUSTICE IS SERVED story!