This Tweet from AA About a Complaint Sums up Twitter Team’s Problem

This Tweet from AA About a Complaint Sums up Twitter Team’s Problem
A few years, we wrote about how American Airline’s Twitter team was the best in the industry. Our opinion on that subject has changed, though, as the Twitter team has really crumbled and really started to change in what they do/how they assist. So I wasn’t completely surprised when I saw in exchange with American on Twitter that seemed to demonstrate just how terrible the Twitter team for American Airlines can be.
@NomadicMatt, who is a New York Times best-selling author for a book about travel called “How to Travel the World on $50 a Day” posted a tweet to American complaining about the discomfort of their 737 MAX aircraft, which has been talk of many travelers complaints for its lack of space and its lack of in-flight entertainment on seats.
God damnit! I’m in one of those new shitty @AmericanAir 737s with no seat back entertainment and less legroom. This is small even for me! Just another reminder that @delta is the best inflight domestic experience and I’m silly for not flying them.
— Nomadic Matt (@nomadicmatt) October 10, 2018
The airline could have responded in any number of ways, including having some fun with the passenger like Delta recently did with T-Pain. They could have even given a token response that they just love to give saying they would pass on the feedback to their team. However, instead of that, the Twitter team responded to the tweet as if Nomad Tweet wasn’t;t even complaining about the airline. In a response, they talked about sharing the skies with him and upgrading their fleet. Small problem? The 737 MAX is not waiting to be upgraded! It’s the way AA ordered the aircraft.
We love sharing the skies with you and our team continues to update our entire fleet as quickly as we can.
— American Airlines (@AmericanAir) October 10, 2018
So this is the problem. They aren’t even addressing the customer’s concerns. We get the Twitter team probably gets tired of hearing about this aircraft (which in fairness should say a lot about the lack of satisfaction with the aircraft), but it’s their job to address the customer’s actual problem. The fact that they responded in this way shows a lack of caring for the customer, or an inability to even understand what’s clearly a criticism tweet.
AA has a lot of work to do on Twitter, and it’s sad to see it has become more and more useless as time has passed when they used to really have an incredible staff.
Having been used to Southwest and Alaska’s Twitter teams, I’ve never found American’s to be that great.